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Asthma - Treating Dogs and Cat Suffering from Asthma Naturally

by Darleen Rudnick, B.S.W., M.H.N. 
Certified Holistic Nutritionist

If you have a dog or cat suffering from Asthma, you will want to read this article on how to treat Asthma naturally using a high quality diet, life style changes and supplements.

The number of pets suffering from asthma is rapidly rising. Some of the reasons for the rise in asthma are explained below. 


Food allergies

Food Allergies can put a strain on the immune system and contribute to asthma.  Major food allergens include:

  • Corn

  • Wheat

  • Peanuts (Peanut hulls)

  • Eggs

  • Food coloring

  • Food additives

  • Soy

  • Beets (Beet pulp)

  • Dairy products

  • Bran (Gassy food which can irritate an asthmatic condition putting pressure on the stomach).

  • Rice

  • Pork

  • Spinach

  • Cabbage (Gassy food) 

  • Chicken

  • Turkey

  • White flour

  • White sugar

  • Broccoli (Gassy food)

  • FD&C Yellow No. 5 food dye


Airborne Allergies stress the immune system. Major allergens include:

  • Pollen

  • Dust mites

  • Chemicals

  • Environmental pollutants

  • Cigarette smoke


Disorders and other ailments stress the immune system

  • Adrenal Disorder

  • Anxiety

  • Yeast infection

  • Stress

  • Abuse

  • Low blood sugar

  • Viral infections


Changes in environment stress the immune system

  • Heat

  • Cold

  • Extreme changes in temperature

  • Atmospheric pressure 

  • Inhaling cool dry air while exercising may aggravate the respiratory system


Chemical pollution in the air, water and food stress the immune system


Early weaning

Many pets are weaned too early from the mother (especially puppy mill puppies) and do not get proper nourishment.  Puppies are adopted and shipped to pet stores at a very young age before their immune systems are fully developed.  This leaves them open to many ailments.



As with any ailment, genetics plays a factor in the development and outcome of a pet.  However, knowing the history of a pet, the parent’s health, and knowing the early warning signs and factors will help in treating or preventing it.


Symptoms of an Asthma attack may include:

  • Coughing

  • Wheezing

  • Tightness in the chest and difficulty breathing.

  • Attacks can range from mild wheezing to a life-threatening inability to breathe.


Treating Pets' Naturally for Asthma

It is important to concentrate on diet and supplementing properly when treating pets for asthma.  The suggestions provided below are general guidelines to follow.  Each pet is an individual and requires their own personalized program to fit their needs.


Feed a Natural Diet

An elimination diet is a must, and very simple to do.  Begin with 2 ingredients – one meat and one vegetable eliminating everything else from the diet.  Feed this for 3 weeks and see how your pet reacts.  If the Asthma condition worsens, eliminate the meat and try another.  Add only one new food every three weeks working up to a list of foods your pet does well on.


Supplementation Program for Your Asthmatic Pet

For Pet Health does not recommend discontinuing traditional medications cold turkey or discontinuing them at all. We highly recommend you work closely with your veterinarian.


If your pet has serious respiratory problems, do not try to treat them naturally on your own. You need to work with your veterinarian to insure that your pet gets the proper treatment.


As with every ailment, supplementation is extremely important in controlling and preventing asthma attacks.  Studies have shown that asthma is sometimes caused by a vitamin a deficiency. Vitamin C is needed to protect lung tissue and keep down infection.  It also increases air flow and fights inflammation. 


Pets suffering from asthma have a higher need for vitamin C. There have been clinical studies of vitamin C supplementation in asthma and these studies have shown significant improvement in respiratory measures and asthma symptoms as a result of supplementing the diet with vitamin C daily.


An all-around high quality vitamin which contains high doses of vitamin B's are helpful in the treatment of allergies and asthma. It also decreases inflammation that occurs in the lungs during an attack.


Yucca is a natural anti-inflammatory and has been used by Native Americans as an herbal remedy to treat a number of ailments, such as skin sores, hair loss, arthritis, inflammation, asthma, blood clots, and more.


IMPORTANT!  The recommendations in this article are general suggestions for treating your pet naturally.  It is important to look at each pet individually and determine what works best for YOUR pet. 


I would highly consider a phone consultation. A consultation will include a personalized diet and holistic program suggestions, all custom-tailored to your pet's personal needs. This is particularly imperative in pets with complicated health issues, or if you've done outside reading and have conflicting information.


Contact For Pet Health today and get your loved one on the path to good health.  

For Pet Health

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The information provided on this website has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a diagnosis, treatment, or prescription for any disease. Please consult your veterinarian for advice. Products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or mark holders.

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