Naturally Treating Cancer in Dogs & Cats
by Darleen Rudnick, B.S.W., M.H.N., Certified Holistic Nutritionist
You may believe that cancer is different from other diseases, acting like a fire, in that you can't stop it once it has started. Therefore, you must cut it out, or radiate it, or chemically destroy every cancerous cell in the body since it can never become normal again. Nothing could be more wrong. Cancer is a very treatable disease and a disease we should not lose hope over. By looking at the factors that cause cancer, and looking at what feeds this disease, you can control and treat it.
Some Factors That May Cause Cancer
Exposure to Harmful Radiation. There is no such thing as a safe dose of radiation. Your pet's risk of genetic and immune system damage correlates with the total amount of radiation they have received over their lifetime. Never believe anyone who tells you that the amount of radiation coming at your pet from any source is too small to matter.
Do not let your Veterinarian X-ray your pet without good reason. Research has shown that radiologists have a shorter life expectancy than other doctors and a higher incidence of cancers known to be induced by radiation. Therefore, do not agree to X-rays unless your vet can make you understand why they are necessary.
Ultraviolet Radiation From the Sun. Ultraviolet light damages DNA cells in the skin which ultimately can lead to skin cancer. Pets love being out in the sun on a beautiful day, and they should not be denied. However, be aware that at certain times of the day and at certain times of the year, sunlight is very dangerous. The sun is most damaging in the middle of the day. Therefore, early morning and evening is a good time to take your pet out to exercise.
Exposure to Harmful Chemicals. It is well known that certain factors increase the likelihood of cancer. Environmental factors are widely believed to be one of the major causes because chemicals impair the immune system.
Chemical carcinogens are probably responsible for more cancer than radiation is. As with radiation, no level of exposure to these substances can be considered safe. Every exposure depletes the immune system.
The liver is responsible for the burden of metabolizing and detoxifying unwanted substances that enter the body. When the liver fails, the organs of the immune system become more susceptible to damage and their function declines. Therefore, don't apply or use chemicals around your pet. A good rule of thumb is: Before purchasing a product, carefully read the label. If it states, "Hazardous to Humans and Domestic Animals," the product may cause cancer.
Tobacco Smoke. Second hand tobacco smoke can cause of cancer.
Hereditary Factors
Prevention Plan For Treating Your Pet's Cancer Naturally
A prevention plan is a simple method of enhancing the level of nutrition and making lifestyle changes. It is an attempt to address any special needs your pet may have.
For Pet Health recommends you have your pet thoroughly examined by a veterinarian. If you decide to seek natural methods, we recommend a consultation with our on-staff nutritionist.
A consultation will include a personalized diet and holistic program suggestions, all custom-tailored to your pet's personal needs. This is particularly imperative in pets with complicated health issues, or if you've done outside reading and have conflicting information.
Some important guidelines to following when treating a pet with Cancer:
Feed Your Pet A Healthy Diet. Poor nutrition is a direct cause of many major and minor diseases. Therefore, a commitment to optimum health and longevity for your pet must include a high-quality diet.
Research has shown that a low-quality diet -- meaning a diet loaded with chemicals, additives, fillers, stabilizers, coloring agents, sodium nitrate and by-products -- can lead to allergies, nervousness, hypertension, diabetes, weight problems, dry skin, and many other common ailments.
A homemade diet is recommended as this is the best you can do for your pet. However, home cooking does not fit into everyone's lifestyle and if this is the case, it is essential to choose a high-quality dry food. Because of what goes into pet foods today and what does not, it is important to know how to read labels, and know the history of the company manufacturing the pet food.
Structure meal times. Feeding once a day may lead to many health problems such as hypoglycemia, diabetes, obesity, digestive disorders and many other problems.
When you feed one meal a day, your pet's body produces insulin. Insulin prevents fat cells from releasing fat into the bloodstream, where it can be picked up by other tissues and burned. In other words, high levels of insulin cause low levels of fat burning and high levels of fat storing, the reverse of what you may think. When insulin is not stable in the body, it throws the hormones and brain chemicals out of whack and in turn the body starts storing fat to save itself.
Therefore, it is extremely important to feed 3-4 small meal per day. When you feed several small meals a day, the body burns fat more effectively.
Recommended feeding schedule:
Breakfast: High quality pet food or homemade food.
Lunch: High quality pet food or homemade food.
Midday: Light Snack.
Dinner: High quality pet food or homemade food.
Before bed: Light snack.
Supplements. Cancer is not a disease that can be prevented with diet alone. Therefore, the correct supplements are essential.
Exercise. Exercise has anti-cancer effects and increases the efficiency of the immune system. It helps with muscle development, digestion and overall health. A well-conditioned body will work and perform better and increase the ability to carry blood and oxygen to muscles. Exercising burns fat and increases your pet’s metabolism. Be sure your pet gets at least an hour of exercise everyday. However, age, health and weather should be taken into consideration when exercising. Do NOT over exercise older pets, or pets suffering from hypoglycemia, epilepsy, heart problems, etc. Pets suffer from exhaustion just as humans do.
Eliminate Toxins in the House, Yard and on your Pet. Many household cleaners contain formaldehyde (also known as embalming solution), which could cause severe irritation to eyes, throat and skin. Some floor polishes contain chemicals that can cause cancer as well as damage to the heart, kidneys, liver and central nervous system. It is important to keep your pets in a well-ventilated area when cleaning.
Avoid the following:
Carpet powders
Air fresheners
Plastic bowls. All plastics release some undetectable fumes, especially when heated. This out-gassing means the fumes can pass into the foods that are served or stored in the bowl or container. Stainless steel or glass bowls are recommended.
Cheap ceramic bowls. Cause the same problem as described above.
Fumes from all bathroom cleaners
Fumes from bleach
Fumes from dusting products
Toxic flea products. If the product states "Hazardous to Humans and Domestic Animals", it is hazardous to your pet.
Toxic shampoos
Toxic flea collars
Paint fumes
Paint chips from lead-based paint
Rawhides. Many are dipped in a solution of salt and bleach
Cheap painted pet toys
Red food dye
Pet Owners -- Take Care of Yourself!
It is very important how an owner lives, how he feels and how he acts, as these factors influence a pet's outcome. Cancer is a very powerful disease, causing pain, distress and feelings of helplessness. Therefore, it is very important to be positive with your pet and seek a caring professional who is well versed in traditional and natural alternatives so you can make the best choices for your pet.
Contact For Pet Health today and get your loved one on the path to good health.